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Farm/site: Nyungwe Site
Region: Nyamasheke, Rwanda
Altitude: 1800 masl
Variety: Red Bourbon
Notes: Grapes, Honey, Melon
Nyungwe Washing Station was built in 2006, and named after the nearby Nyungwe natural forest, the home of the farest source of River Nile. RTC purchased the station in 2013 from the previous owner and began to prepare the site for a new model of operation.
The station officially began purchasing cherries and operating the mill in March 2014. When RTC took over the ownership of the mill, farmers were enrolled into our agronomy training program (ATP) and have since gone through our module of best agricultural practices and financial literacy. The past two years, RTC is focused on rejuvenating their farms, and has already distributed over 200,000 coffee seedlings for free and farmers are able to expand their farms and replace old trees.