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Roast Profile: Medium
Flavor Notes: Navel Orange, Cocoa Nib, Honey
Process: Washed Process
Region: Chalatenango
Elevation: 1500 MASL
Variety: Pacamara
This is our fifth year offering this lot from La Promesa. This program encourages farmers to pursue new cultivation and processing practices that are focused on quality and sustainability while also offering higher premiums to these farmers. We are excited to buy coffee from this program to continue to encourage more equitable relationships while providing delicious results to you.
If you liked this coffee last year then you will love it even more this year. This year's lot displays more developed sweetness and complexity. We find this most well represented in the coffees aroma which provides strong notes of cocoa nib and brown sugar. In the cup, the cocoa nib persists and is combined with a delicious sweet orange acidity. We couldn’t be happier to have this one back.