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Process: Washed Origin: Mexico Region: Cuauhtemoc, Coatepec MASL: 1500 MASL Varieties: Various Tasting notes: Chocolate dipped molasses cookies
This late harvest coffee comes from one of the last coffee producing reservoirs in the town of Coatepec powered by small holder farmers. Colonia Cuauhtemoc is not far away from town but in a completely different ecosystem. As you get there, you can see a tremendous amount of vegetation, where even temperature drops, and oxygen feels more refreshing This micro region is special because of its elevation, sitting almost three hundred meters above average Coatepec Farms. This was our first year collaborating directly with this community led by Agusting Carmona’s ability to secure coffee for us. PROCESS This coffee was processed by APG in the micro mill. The process begins by floating, rinsing and sorting the coffee cherries by maturity. After coffee is pulped, fermentation begins and lasts around 60 - 72 hours depending on the weather. Wet parchment is washed using spring water and transported to the dryers where coffee is dehydrated using hot air. Temperatures are controlled to achieve a homogeneous drying without affecting the bean’s embryo.